The 17th KIPS International Conference on
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications
(CUTE 2023)
Dec 18-20, 2023, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Publication: Springer-LNEE (indexed by SCOPUS and EI)
Intl' Journal Recommendation indexed by SCI/SCOPUS(20~40%)

[Sep. 11, 2023]
- CUTE 2023 will allow video presentations if you are unable to attend the conference venue for unavoidable reasons (such as COVID-19).
- Additional submission of papers
Caution: Submissions for LNEE are closed.
Accepted papers will be published by conference PDF proceeding (without ISSN/ISBN). - Conference Main Schedule
- December 18 (Mon) : Online and Offline Presentation (All Day)
- December 19 (Tue) : Online and Workshop Presentation
- December 20 (Wed) : Committee Meeting
- Submission Online Video
- Please Submit your presentation video via email by December 7th.
  *File name: Paper ID_Title (ex) 0001_Optimizing ~ ) - Recommended for SCIE or SCOPUS Journals
- If your paper has been recommended for SCIE or SCOPUS Journals, we will send you a
  notification email by the end of December.
  (If you do not receive an email, your paper has not been recommended.)
- LNEE Publication Notice
- Publication in LNEE is expected in 5-6 months, and Springer will send a Proofreading
  notification email about 4-5 months later.
[Oct. 31, 2023]
[Nov. 07, 2023]
[Nov. 30, 2023]
[Dec. 22, 2023]
The 17th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE 2023) will be held on Dec. 18-20, 2023, Nha Trang, Vietnam. The purpose of the CUTE 2023 is to promote discussion and interaction among academics, researchers and professionals in the field of ubiquitous computing technologies. Ubiquitous computing will require a new approach to fitting technology to our lives. The advent of new computing devices, and the seamless connectivity between these devices, thanks to diverse wired and wireless networks, are enabling new opportunities for a user to perform his/her operation all the time and everywhere. These seamlessly connected devices are ranging from mobile handset to wearable computers. Also, it is expected that these devices will become so pervasive that they will be embedded in the surrounding physical environment, and transparent and invisible to a user. Such devices, whether carried on by people or embedded into other systems, will constitute a global internetworking infrastructure and likely to provide a new level of openness and dynamics. Ubiquitous computing has as its goal the enhancing computer use by pushing computational services out of conventional desktop interfaces into physical environments, but effectively making them transparent forms and calm mode of interactivity. Recent advances in electronic and computer technologies have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous computing and innovative applications that incorporate these technologies. This conference provides an international forum for the presentation and showcase of recent advances on various aspects of ubiquitous computing. It will reflect the state-of-the-art of the computational methods, involving theory, algorithm, numerical simulation, error and uncertainty analysis and/or novel application of new processing techniques in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to ubiquitous computing. In this conference, several topics on the specific themes for intensive discussions are also planned according to the areas of interest. |
Track 1. Communication and Networking
- Edge Computing
- Multi-cloud networking software
- Optical Networks
- Network-based Applications
- Self-Organizing Networks
- 5G and 6G Communications
- Sensor and Communication Networks
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Networks
- Home Networking
- Next Generation Web Architectures
- Telecommunications
- Digital Transformation
- Virtual Reality and Simulation
- Digital Media Technology
- Pattern Recognition
- Database Systems
- Information Technology Applications
- ChatGPT
- Open Source Platform
- Bigdata for Well-Life
- Health Care Solution
- Computer Applications in Architecture
- Quantum Computing
- Vehicle Platform
- Autonomous Driving Vehicles
- Targeting Support Systems
- Application for Smart City
- Wired/Wireless Security and Privacy
- Botnets and Malware
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Firewalls and Packet Filters
- Mobile, Hybrid, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks
- Ransomware and Cyber Security
- Blockchain
- Mobile Security and Privacy
- Innovative Cloud infrastructure for Big Data
- Green, energy - efficient models and sustainability issues for Big Data
- Resource scheduling, SLA, Fault tolerance and reliability for Big Data
- Data Models for Big Data Analytics
- Machine Learning techniques for Big Data
- Index Structures for Big Data Analytics
- Interaction Design for Exploratory Analytics
- Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
- Big data security, privacy, and services
- Big Data applications on heterogeneous architectures
- Fuzzy Systems
- Neural Networks
- Machine learning
- Probabilistic Reasoning
- Evolutionary Computing
- Pattern recognition
- Hybrid intelligent systems
- Software agents
- Morphic Computing
- Image processing
- E-commerce, E-medicine
- Rough Sets
- Symbolic machine learning
- Wavelet
- Signal or Image Processing
- Vision Recognition
- Biomedical Engineering
- Reactive Distributed AI
- Nano & Micro-systems
- Data Visualization
- Pervasive computing and ambient intelligence
- Programming Languages
- Reasoning and Evolution
- Recent Trends and Developments
- Web Intelligence Applications & Search
If you have any question about the CFPs and papers submission, please email to CUTE 2023 secretary.Conference Community: